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Brownies that bang

After one sad Sahara-dry brownie too many,
George (head baker) thought, ‘One day someone
is going to make the best brownies money can
buy and that someone might as well be me.’

Bake First Think later

Hellbent on baking the perfect brownie, George borrowed his granny’s Kenwood Chef mixer, set himself up in his mum and dad’s outbuilding, and got to work. People were soon eating out of his hand.

pioneer daily Perfection

Demand soared so we bought a proper bakery, and today we bake brownies to order for people and for businesses all over the place. Customers say we bake the perfect brownie (and, hey, the customer is always right).


Everything is baked fresh to order. Fresh is our middle name.


Our bakes travel well, thanks to prompt and reliable UK-wide delivery.


Real chocolate, real butter, British sugar, free-range eggs.


Want a fast turn-around with good margins, and customers that just can’t get enough?

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